If you are experiencing a loss of any kind, our pastors are here for you. It might be that you would like to have a funeral or memorial service. We can assist with that either at our church or another location of your choosing. You might just need someone to talk to during a time of loss and grief. We are here for you. No matter what you need, the first step is just to reach out. Contact one of our pastors today, and let them help you.

The Gardiner-Stanford Memorial Garden at Church of the Trinity

Named in loving memory of Craig Gardiner and Frank Stanford, the memorial garden is a sacred resting place for loved ones. Honoring the final wish of Craig and Frank to be interred together on the campus of Church of the Trinity, the project was recently completed and was dedicated on Easter, 2016, The memorial garden, located on the south side of our sanctuary, is set aside for perpetual placement of the remains (ashes) of church members or their families. The garden landscaping will provide a space for prayer, meditation, and remembering loved ones in a setting that is both peaceful and beautiful. Click HERE for the Memorial Garden application.

Single niche $1,500
Includes engraving

The Niche compartment measures 11″ L x 5.5″ W x 11.5′ H

Ideal Urn Sizes:
7″L 5.25″ W x 6.25″H
6.25″ L x 4.25″ W x 8.25″ H

A square or rectangular urn is strongly recommended. If a round urn is selected, it will need to be under 5.25 in total diameter.

Direct Burial in the Memorial Garden $500
Includes Memorial Paver and engraving

Cremated remains are interred in the Garden, with a paver displaying the name, birth date and death date. Our Christian faith teaches us that the human soul is immortal, continuing its spiritual existence after the death of the body. For many of us, it is a comfort to have a place to honor the continuing relationship with our loved ones who have died before us. The Memorial Garden at Church of the Trinity is such a place. Cremated remains may be buried in a biodegradable linen bag or loose in the soil so as to become assimilated with the earth. Interment location is designated by the committee. The ground cover is lifted for the burial and then re-placed, the area being restored to its natural condition.

Sanctuary Memorial Wall

A memorial wall has been established in our sanctuary where the names of loved one interred elsewhere can be inscribed. You may honor a friend or loved one by making a contribution in their memory to Church of the Trinity.

Memorial Wall Plaques

Donation of $300 1.25 X 6 tile

Donation of $600 1.75 X 6 tile

Donation of $900 2.25 X 6 tile

Donation of $1,200 2.75 X 6 tile

Courtyard Pavers

Honor or commemorate a loved one with a brick paver in our courtyard. These pavers are also a great way to commemorate special life events. Each paver can accommodate engraved lettering as follows:

4″ x 8″: 3 lines of text, no clip art (limited to 3 lines with 20 spaces per line including blank spaces and punctuation) $125

4″ x 8″: 2 lines of text with clip art in the center (limited to 2 lines with 20 spaces per line including blank spaces and punctuation) $125

8″ x 8″: 3 lines of text, no clip art (limited to 3 lines with 20 spaces per line including blank spaces and punctuation) $250

8″ x 8″: 3 lines of text with clip art (limited to 3 lines with 20 spaces per line including blank spaces and punctuation) $250