We are a community of believers who believe God’s Agenda is Love. There is no other agenda. We are a rainbow congregation of LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies committed to Christ’s example. To better explain our beliefs, we utilizes the “Eight Principles of Progressive Christianity”

By calling ourselves progressive Christians, we mean we are Christians who…

  1. Have found a connection to God with healing and wholeness through the teachings of Jesus

  2. Affirm that the teachings of Jesus are only one of the ways in which people experience the Divine, the Sacredness, Oneness and Unity of life, and that we can draw from diverse sources of wisdom, including Earth, in our spiritual journey

  3. Include all people to participate in our community and without insisting that they become like us. This includes:

    1. Believers and agnostics,

    2. Conventional Christians and questioning skeptics,

    3. Women and men,

    4. All sexual orientations and gender identities,

    5. All races and cultures, all classes and abilities,

    6. Those who hope for a better world and those who have lost hope;

  4. Know that the way we treat each other and all of Creation is the fullest expression of wo we believe God to be, therefore we vow to walk as Jesus might have walked in this world with radical compassion, inclusion, and bravery to confront and positively change the injustices we experience as well as those we see others experiencing;

  5. Know that our actions toward one another and toward other people is the fullest expression of what we believe;

  6. Find more grace in the search for understanding than we do in dogmas or doctrine —more value in asking questions than in thinking in absolutes

  7. Protect and restore the integrity of our Earth and all of Creation;

  8. Commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion, and selfless love on this journey toward a personally authentic and meaningful faith.